Saturday, October 10, 2009

Give Me One Good Reason

“There’s a reason for everything.”

How many times have you heard that or said it yourself? It seems when life takes an unfortunate turn, the belief that there’s a reason for it brings some measure of comfort. In retrospect, I can see how this philosophy can be true. I think about all the adversity I’ve faced in my life and how, in one way or another, it has led me to where I am now. Not such a bad way of looking at things. I’m happily married, healthy, and have a great family and great friends.

Where this type of thinking has a tragic flaw is when horrible things don’t lead to something better eventually. They end horrifically, violently, and without any plausible reason for them to occur.

I am considering becoming a foster parent. In order for me to see what I might be getting myself into, I looked into cases of child abuse and/or neglect. After doing a little bit of research, I have come to realize that sometimes there isn’t a reason for everything. Instead, some of the cases I’ve read about not only challenge that mentality, but they also make me question the existence of an omnipotent being.

Consider the case of little Brianna Lopez.

Brianna was a 5 month old baby living in New Mexico in a trailer shared by her parents, grandmother, three uncles and an 18 month old brother.

One day, her father and uncle bought three cases of beer. Brianna’s mother stated she drank three beers and fell asleep. Her father and uncle continued drinking through the night. At some point in their drunken stupor, they thought it might be fun to play with Brianna. They proceeded to throw her up in the air. Not so horrible, is it? I’ve seen plenty of parents do this with their kids. Only her father and uncle threw her several times so high that she hit the ceiling. To add to that, they forgot to catch her a few times. Who knows how long this went on, but later in the evening, her father woke up after blacking out and saw that she was on the floor beside him. He then put her in a bouncer.

In the morning, Brianna’s mother noticed bruises on her. She asked her husband what happened to her and he admitted that he and his brother-in-law played a little “rough” with her. Soon after, Brianna needed a diaper change. Her father changed her diaper and while doing so, felt the need to place a baby wipe over his finger and stick it up her rectum.

Several hours later, Brianna stopped breathing and 911 was called. Little Brianna was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital. Autopsy and a subsequent investigation revealed that Brianna had been abused most of her short life. She had several healing fractures, three fresh skull fractures, both legs broken, a broken arm, two broken ribs, bruises from head to toe, a brain bleed, internal bleeding, evidence of shaken baby syndrome, a rectum that was stretched to an inch in diameter and nearly a dozen human bite marks. She had also been raped by both her father and uncle.

Not only did Brianna’s mother know of the abuse, she inflicted some of the bites. Her grandmother and another uncle also knew of the abuse and stood by idly while Brianna was being tortured. All four adults are serving prison sentences. Another uncle, who was 8 years old and her older brother were removed from the home by Child Protective Services. A search of the home turned up not one single photo of Brianna. The only known photos of her were the ones taken during her autopsy.

After reading about Brianna, I really started to think about what could be the reason for why this happened. I can’t think of one reason why that baby had to suffer at the hands of the people who were supposed to keep her safe. It makes me doubt the existence of God. Too often, I see that the “reason” for why bad things happen is because God gave man free will. And you know what? That explanation is just not good enough for me. It could be argued that I am questioning the actions of God. And I am. Or perhaps the inaction of God. How can God, or any deity or divine being, stand by idly like Brianna’s grandmother and uncle did? What sense can be made of Brianna’s death? What reason could possibly justify her abuse? I can’t for the life of me think of one good reason. Hell, I can’t even think of one half assed reason. What good can possibly come from this? Brianna’s story is hardly unique. I came across many other cases just as horrifying.

Everything happens for a reason?

I just don’t buy it anymore.

Here is a news segment about Brianna. Fair warning - it is extremely difficult to watch, but watch it anyway. As much as it may disturb you, keep in mind that this little baby girl lived that reality.


  1. hi, i came across your blog while in the fforums... this is a sickening, sad story. i wasn't able to even begin watching the video because the whole time i was reading the story, my mind kept wandering to my sleeping 12 month old that it took me 10 years to have... it is unimaginable. may they burn in hell. it always baffles me how easy it is for these people to have children they don't want, when others like us would cut off limbs to have one. i read your signature stats on the other site and it stung my heart. don't give up. prayers your way...

  2. Hey there, who are you on FF? I've just had another disappointing cycle. I'll start posting again when things get going in about a week. Thanks for visiting!
